  • Action areas /
  • health service resources /
  • Feature
  • SH4

Promote Vaccines

Reduce incidence of respiratory diseases and promote vaccinations .


This feature requires projects to provide and encourage immunizations.



For All Spaces

The project identifies an immunization relevant to the target population and implements an immunization program which includes the following:

  1. Makes the vaccine available to regular occupants on at least an annual basis at no cost through either:

    1. An on-site vaccination clinic or program.
    2. An off-site vaccination clinic or program (e.g., free community clinic, access through health care providers) and, for employees (as applicable), paid time during the workday to receive the vaccine.
  2. For employees, as applicable, at least one day of paid leave for recovery following vaccination.

  3. A campaign that addresses the following:

    1. Provides regular occupants information on how the project facilitates vaccine availability.
    2. Encourages or incentivizes, through monetary or non-monetary methods, regular occupants to receive the vaccine.
    3. Educates regular occupants on the health reasons to receive the vaccine.
Verified by Policy and/or Operations Schedule